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Scanners are common items that allow you to extend your senses and record your experiences. Some specialized scanners can also provide other senses, such as blindsense or sense through, but these often require ongoing monitoring or impose other restrictions. Common examples include laser microphones, motion detectors, and x-ray visors.

Scanner, Laser Microphone

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 5; Price 2,725
Capacity 10; Usage 1/minute
Hands 2; Bulk L


This handheld sensor allows you to hear through normally sound-impervious materials at great range. It grants you sense through (hearing) with a range of 120 feet, but only through materials that are 1 inch thick or thinner, and each Perception check attempted using it takes a full action, during which you are flat-footed.

Scanner, Video Camera

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 107
Level 1; Price 275
Capacity 20; Usage 2/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L


The most typical scanner is a video camera, which requires one hand to use. A video camera has ordinary sight and is capable of seeing whatever an ordinary human could see, with up to 10 times magnification. A video camera can record up to 4 hours of footage, which can be downloaded and viewed using nearly any computer.

Scanner, Shotgun Microphone

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 107
Level 2; Price 625
Capacity 20; Usage 1/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L


A shotgun microphone amplifies your sense of hearing within a particular direction. You gain a +2 insight bonus to hearing-based Perception checks in a 60-foot cone, but you take a –2 penalty to hearing-based Perception checks from other areas. A shotgun microphone can record up to 12 hours of sound. You don’t need to take an action to use a shotgun microphone, but changing its direction requires a move action.

Scanner, Enhanced Camera

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 107
Level 3; Price 1,375
Capacity 20; Usage 1/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L


An enhanced camera functions as a video camera, but it can view a wider band of wavelengths, including infrared wavelengths. Enhanced cameras have low-light vision and darkvision with a range of 60 feet. An enhanced camera can record up to 24 hours of footage.

Scanner, Motion Detector

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 7; Price 6,000
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L


This handheld scanner is capable of detecting sweeping kinetic moves, such as the locomotion of creatures and vehicles. Motion detectors have blindsense (vibration) out to 30 feet, but you must take a move action each round to use the sensor.

Scanner, True-Frame Camera

Source Starfinder Armory pg. 107
Level 9; Price 12,250
Capacity 100; Usage 2/hour
Hands 1; Bulk L


A true-frame camera functions as an enhanced camera, and it also has supplemental multispectrum programming designed to detect the slight errors in shading and lighting that are artifacts of holograms and illusions. True-frame cameras automatically shift to variant wavelengths to detect and image actual objects, identifying the holograms and illusions as such with overlay text or masking. True-frame cameras automatically identify holograms and illusions via sense through (vision), except for images that specifically fool cameras or other surveillance systems (such as holographic image and nondetection). Trueframe cameras do not automatically detect mundane or lowtech disguises.

Scanner, X-Ray Visor

Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 219
Level 9; Price 15,000
Capacity 40; Usage 1/round
Hands —; Bulk L


This sensor is worn as an adjustable viewer resting over the eyes, like goggles or thick glasses. It sends out X-rays and interprets the information gathered as an image it imposes over your normal vision. This grants sense through (vision) with a range of 60 feet, though it is blocked by materials one-fifth as dense as those that block normal sense through (2 feet of wood or plastic, 1 foot of stone, 2 inches of common metal, or 1 inch of lead or any starmetal) and limits you to black-and-white vision while in use. You don’t gain the benefit of any other special visual senses (such as lowlight vision) while the visor is active, and you can’t attempt sight-based Perception checks beyond 60 feet. Activating or deactivating the sensor is a move action.